If you are looking for one of the best oil-based paints cleaning solvent, Ezyclean in Australia will be a great choice. Most of the companies evaluate a cleaning solvent on two major factors:
• How much it costs?
• How well it performs?

Ezyclean in Australia is an environment-friendly cleaning solvent. With the increase in environment awareness, the environment regulation authorities of Australia are in the process of limiting & prohibiting the use of hazardous chemicals in industrial & commercial settings. Thus, if you buy a toxic solvent, you could find yourself with a huge stock of solvent or degreaser which you can't use, not to mention the stress of finding a sufficient replacement immediately. Today, there are plentiful environmentally safe and preferable solvents on the market that perform well or better than the traditional cleaning solvents.
In addition to causing chemical corrosion, many of the traditional solvents also speed up the oxidization process. Instead of ordering harsh solvents, locate an organic solvent like Ezyclean in Australia that offers the same cleaning power but without the threat of corrosion and oxidization.
Many conventional solvents contain petroleum which means that the amount you pay for a petroleum distillate solvent today may not be the same for tomorrow. When the petroleum prices are low, petroleum distillate solvents are an economical purchase but when petroleum prices are high, they can become extremely costly. By choosing a non-petroleum distillate cleaning solvent like Ezyclean in Australia, you can avoid the petroleum price rollercoaster! If you prefer a biodegradable solvent, you can also reduce your company’s waste disposal fees. What are you waiting for? Call Sceneys and place an order now!